Full Length of The End of the Tour in Best Video Format
Now you can see The End of the Tour in best look with duration 106 Min and was published in 2015-07-31 and MPAA rating is 44.- Original Title : The End of the Tour
- Movie title in your country : The End of the Tour
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-07-31
- Companies of movie : A24,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 106 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.2
- Youtube ID of movie : DBk1Mrb4RyM
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,IT,ZH,EL,
- Actors of movie :Jason Segel (David Foster Wallace), Jesse Eisenberg (David Lipsky), Anna Chlumsky (Sarah), Mamie Gummer (Julie), Joan Cusack (Patty), Ron Livingston (David Lipsky's Editor), Mickey Sumner (Betsy)
Movie summary of The End of the Tour :
Watch full The End of the Tour in Best Video Format with movie summary "The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace's groundbreaking epic novel, 'Infinite Jest.'" in top video format. Full The End of the Tour in HD Video by clicking the download link.
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Director : James Ponsoldt, Writer : Donald Margulies, Producer : James Dahl, Producer : Matt DeRoss, Executive Producer : Paul Green, Producer : David Kanter, Production Design : Gerald Sullivan, Director of Photography : Jakob Ihre, Editor : Darrin Navarro, Original Music Composer : Danny Elfman, Costume Design : Emma Potter, Set Decoration : Yvette Granata, Art Direction : Sarah M. Pott
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